
Notes Towards a Socialism for the Times

Alan Sears’s “Notes Towards a Socialism for the Times” is a very good article to get people interested in socialism, or to reinvigorate the passion of those already knowledgeable on the topic. It strives to explain what socialism from below is, how it fell by the wayside and why we need it back.


Could Election Reform Make a Difference?

By Harold Lavender

In the May Federal election, Stephen Harper won a majority government without winning a majority of the vote. Only 39.6 percent of the population voted Conservative while 60 percent voted against. Much discussion has focused on the election results and what to do about the Harper majority. But relatively little of this has focused on the electoral system.


Reflections on the NDP at 50

The gains by the NDP in the 2011 federal election have made the questions of what the NDP is today and how people opposed to the austerity agenda should relate to it even more important. The editors of New Socialist Webzine are glad to publish this contribution by Murray Cooke on the NDP past and present.

As always, we welcome constructive comments and other submissions that address these questions. Readers may also want to read the article, “After the Election 2011: Building our Movements on Shifting Ground.” 


A Letter About Trotskyism

This is the third in a series of letters by one of the editors of NS Webzine. The first two are here and here.

Dear A,

You asked me if the people who publish this webzine are Trotskyists. Speaking only for myself here, I don’t consider myself a Trotskyist. I think the best of Trotskyism can contribute to the kind of socialist politics that’s needed today, but that we need to go beyond Trotskyism. Let me try to explain.