
Toward a New Labour Politics

By Maryann Abbs

Review of David Camfield, Canadian Labour in Crisis: Reinventing the Workers’ Movement
(Winnipeg: Fernwood, 2011).


What Mission Accomplished? 10 Years Later, Canada’s Role in Afghanistan and Global War (Part III)

The last of a three part series exploring Canada’s role in the war in Afghanistan and wider Global War on Terror after ten years. Part one can be read here, and part two here.

As always, we welcome any feedback you may have on this important and timely discussion.

By Michael Skinner 

What happened to the antiwar movement? Where do we go from here?

On 20 September 2001, George Bush announced his intention to launch a Global War on Terror. In the weeks before the invasion of Afghanistan, antiwar activists throughout the world poured into the streets to protest the impending global war. Again, when the Bush administration began to beat the war drums before invading Iraq, even greater numbers hit the streets.


What Mission Accomplished? 10 Years Later, Canada’s Role in Afghanistan and Global War (Part II)

Part two of a three part series exploring Canada’s role in the war in Afghanistan and wider Global War on Terror after ten years. Part one can be read here.

By Michael Skinner

Afghanistan pried open for business – a new strategic bridgehead in the heart of Eurasia

Regardless of whatever the eventual outcome of the Global War on Terror, the bloody decade-long war continues to generate profits for investors in the defence and security industries. The ongoing warfare provides a practical proving-ground to develop and test new weapons and systems of warfare. The battlefield is the ultimate sales-floor for arms dealers. Profits for investors in the war machine will undoubtedly continue to grow as global warfare continues to escalate.


The May 15 Movement in Spain

By Murray Smith

On May 15, a new force exploded onto the Spanish political scene. A week before regional and municipal elections, tens of thousands of young people occupied the main squares in Madrid, Barcelona and many other Spanish cities.