A ghost is haunting Slovenia, the ghost of revolution!

A ghost is haunting Slovenia, the ghost of revolution!

By Gal Kirn

At the moment that I am writing this text, the massive social uprising in Slovenia continues and enters, with even fiercer political determination, into a new stage of political maturity. What began as an isolated sparkle in late November 2012 in Maribor, the second biggest city of Slovenia, spread to other   cities and weeks later culminated in an all-Slovenian uprising composed of unprecedented masses across the country.


Campus Fightbacks in the Age of Austerity: Learning from Quebec Students

By Xavier Lafrance and Alan Sears

The 2012 Quebec student strikes delivered one of the few victories we have seen in anti-austerity struggles in the Canadian state. The mobilization, which at its high point saw over 300 000 students on limited or unlimited strike, and demonstrations of hundreds of thousands, was a crucial highpoint that has a great deal to teach radicals. The attempted clampdown by the Charest government through Bill 78 that attempted to outlaw the movement, unleashed a new and innovative round of resistance including the casseroles night marches.