Socialist Feminism for the 21st Century

Socialist Feminism for the 21st Century

This is an audio of the launch of our new pamphlet on socialist feminism in the 21st Century, featuring co-authors Sue Ferguson and Tithi Bhattacharya, respectively.

Sue Ferguson is a member of the Toronto New Socialists, and writes on socialist feminism and other topics, including social reproduction, racism, children and the media.

Tithi Bhattacharya is a member of the International Socialist Organization in the United States, an organizer of the International Women’s Strike and a feminist writer and activist.

“Socialist feminists are not the only feminists to strike, march and occupy. They are not the only feminists to call out power rather than work with it. Some anti-racist feminists, like those in Black Lives Matter Toronto, blend a form of allyship feminism with more radical, confrontational politics that often express anti- capitalist values. And the Indigenous women who launched Idle No More were nothing if not insurgent. In working through the ideas of social reproduction feminism, socialist feminism seeks to build on the analyses and practices of insurgent movements by developing an analysis of how capitalist power works through social oppression.” –Sue Ferguson

The pamphlet can be purchased here: