“The First Pages of the Revolutions of the 21st Century” (Updated)

“The situation as with any revolution is changing from hour to hour. Any evaluation will undoubtedly be overtaken by events within a few hours or days. But already we can say that the Tunisia and Egyptian people are writing the first pages of the revolutions of the 21st century.” This fine sentence comes from a statement from the Fourth International, which is online here.

Al Jazeera’s live stream remains a good news source about Egypt.

Richard Seymour writes today (Feb. 4), “The New York Times reports that the US is negotiating with the Egyptian military to force Mubarak, preserve the regime, and put the Vice President and former chief of military intelligence, Omar Suleiman, in charge as transitional president. The US trusts him, of course, because in addition to torturing Egyptians he helped run the CIA’s kidnapping and torturing ring, known as ‘rendition’.” Read the rest of his article here.

Read the tweets from journalist Hossam el-Hamalawy and check out his photos here. A set of photos of women in the Egyptian Revolution are here.

Also, check this blog for updates.

If you’re looking to understand the situation behind the headlines, this 17 minute interview with Bashir Abu-Manneh is worth a listen. Also, see this article here.